Passion Project
Social Safari
Personal journeys towards a more social world
A self-funded community workshops day
Social Safari is a unique workshops themed day with a foundation of positive mental wellbeing and wholesome socialising.
While running Peats Ridge Festival Workshops, I noticed something very interesting. When a group of people focus on learning something fun, they become more relaxed and receptive to others around them – mistakes made and laughter leads to obvious conversation starters. Suddenly it’s not weird or awkward to talk to strangers, we’re all in this together.

A large part of positive mental health comes from a sense of belonging and community, I was priviliged to be able to create an event that encouraged people to play and be social. Two “Social Safarites” started dating, and two others became good friends, none had met each other before, which was hugely rewarding.
- Market research
- Location sourcing
- Insurance
- OH&S
- Graphic design
- Website creation
- Social media engagement
- Social media advertising
- Marketing & PR
- Program creation
- Administration
- Alcohol licensing
- Procedural documents
- Performer contracts
- Ticketing payment system design
- Bump-in/out
- Volunteer management